Which events are counted in the ranking list.

First, an event needs to be validated by the chief umpire!
Then, there is a maximum event per year, value in the table below.

For club : If a club send 3 teams, the 3 teams can potentially bring point to the ranking list by club (not only the best, it changes since 2022 October 17). Of course, there is still the limit of the best maximum number of event per year.

For country/MNA : If during an event, there are many teams from the same country, only the best team will bring point to this country.

Algorithms for the points received at an event

These algorithms can be updated sometime, to improve the ranking system

PointPosition: Point received according to the final position at the event.

EntryTotal: Number of entries at this event.

MNAtotal: Number of different MNA at this event.

ClubTotal: Number of different club at this event.

GradeFactor: Multiplicator factor according to the grading of the event.

RankBonus: Number of MNA/team/sailor (depending on the ranking list) behind in the event's final rank, but ahead in the ranking list.

GradeLimit: Value defined below depending on the grade: "Value for the grade X top sailor/club/MNA".

TopRacer: According to the grading of the event, it is the number of sailor/team/MNA above the "GradeLimit" to increase the EventFactor (according to the ranking list just before the event).

PointPosition= FinalRank * A + B where: A = (point_last - point_first) / (number_of_team - 1) and B = point_first - A

Example for the PointPosition for 15 teams registered (but you can have more teams!).
Horizontal : number of teams, vertical : final rank of a team.
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
1st 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200
2th 10 105 136 152 162 168 172 176 178 181 182 184 185 186
3th - 10 73 105 124 136 145 152 157 162 165 168 170 172
4th - - 10 57 86 104 118 128 136 143 148 152 156 159
5th - - - 10 48 73 91 105 115 124 130 136 141 145
6th - - - - 10 41 64 81 94 105 113 120 126 132
7th - - - - - 10 37 57 73 86 96 105 112 118
8th - - - - - - 10 33 52 67 79 89 97 105
9th - - - - - - - 10 31 48 61 73 83 91
10th - - - - - - - - 10 29 44 57 68 77
11th - - - - - - - - - 10 27 41 53 64
12th - - - - - - - - - - 10 25 39 50
13th - - - - - - - - - - - 10 24 37
14th - - - - - - - - - - - - 10 23
15th - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10

For MNA ranking list

Entry_Factor: If MNAtotal < 10, the value is : MNAtotal/10. If MNAtotal >= 20, the value is : 1.1 . If MNAtotal >= 30, the value is : 1.2 . Otherwise, the value is 1.

(if it is a keelboat event, the number 10 is change to 8)

Event_Factor calculation: if TopRacer >= (EntryTotal/2) then Event_Factor = GradeFactor + [ 0.008 * ( TopRacer - EntryTotal / 2 ) ] else Event_Factor = GradeFactor

Point_received= [ ( PointPosition * Entry_Factor) + RankBonus ] * Event_Factor

For Club/Team ranking list

Entry_Factor: If ClubTotal < 10, the value is : ClubTotal/10. If ClubTotal >= 20, the value is : 1.1 . If ClubTotal >= 30, the value is : 1.2 . Otherwise, the value is 1.

(if it is a keelboat event, the number 10 is change to 8)

Event_Factor calculation: if TopRacer >= (EntryTotal/2) then Event_Factor = GradeFactor + [ 0.008 * ( TopRacer - EntryTotal / 2 ) ] else Event_Factor = GradeFactor

Point_received= [ ( PointPosition * Entry_Factor) + RankBonus ] * Event_Factor

For Sailor ranking list

Entry_Factor: If EntryTotal < 10, the value is : EntryTotal/10. If EntryTotal >= 20, the value is : 1.1 . If EntryTotal >= 30, the value is : 1.2 . Otherwise, the value is 1.

(if it is a keelboat event, the number 10 is change to 8)

Event_Factor calculation: if TopRacer >= (EntryTotal/2) then Event_Factor = GradeFactor + [ 0.008 * ( TopRacer - EntryTotal / 2 ) ] else Event_Factor = GradeFactor

Point_received= [ ( PointPosition * Entry_Factor) + RankBonus ] * Event_Factor

Parameter for the ranking list calculation

Parameters for Sailors, Clubs and MNAs
How far a club should come to be consider as other MNA (in km)
(if the host country is entitled to this system)
700 km
grade W factor 3.5
grade 1 factor 3
grade 2 factor 2.5
grade 3 factor 2
grade 4 factor 1.5
grade 5 factor 1
Year 1 factor 6
Year 2 factor 3
Year 3 factor 1
point for first position 200
point for last position 10
Parameters only for country ranking list
Maximum events per year 4
Value for the grade W top country 10
Value for the grade 1 top country 15
Value for the grade 2 top country 25
Value for the grade 3 top country 40
Value for the grade 4 top country 50
Value for the grade 5 top country 70
Parameters only for club/team ranking list
Maximum events per year 4
Value for the grade W top club/team 15
Value for the grade 1 top club/team 20
Value for the grade 2 top club/team 40
Value for the grade 3 top club/team 80
Value for the grade 4 top club/team 180
Value for the grade 5 top club/team 300
Parameters only for sailor ranking list
Maximum events per year 4
Value for the grade W top sailor 30
Value for the grade 1 top sailor 40
Value for the grade 2 top sailor 100
Value for the grade 3 top sailor 150
Value for the grade 4 top sailor 250
Value for the grade 5 top sailor 400